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Link building has become one of the essentials for a website to grow. If your website doesn’t have enough backlinks, it becomes challenging for you to rank your web pages and gain traffic.

Sure, publishing good SEO-optimized content is the best way to rank higher and gain traffic. However, how far do you think only high-quality content will take you?

This is why I was searching for a new content strategy that helps me gain high-quality backlinks easily – and lots of them simultaneously. That is when I came across the skyscraper technique in SEO.

However, while the skyscraper technique is pretty good, it’s not sustainable in the long run. This SEO technique relies on one-upping whatever content your competitors have published. Therefore, there is less space for voicing my originality and my own thoughts.

I wanted to create unique content. Content that’s relevant and people wish to read it.

That is when I created my own new SEO content strategy – using the Burj Khalifa link building technique. My aim was not entirely on traffic and rankings – gaining high-quality backlinks is also a major goal.

Want to know how well it worked? Well, keep on reading to find out!

If Your Website Is Not Doing Link-Building

Before we learn in detail about the Burj Khalifa link building technique – which is undisputedly the best link building technique – it’s better first to understand what link building is and why it is important.

As I quote myself:

If Your Website Is Not Doing Link-Building, Then You Better Sell Your Domain.

I cannot stress more how important this is and

You must know this if you are a beginner in SEO. While an SEO consultant already knows why it’s important, new SEO freelancers and SEO professionals must understand it as well.

Every web page that you open will have some words highlighted in a different color. These are all hyperlinked text, so you can click on them and be redirected to another page.

However, there are two types of links that you will find on websites – internal links and external links.

  • Internal links: These are the ones that redirect traffic to another page on the same site. Typically, these links to another web page have a topic related to the one you are on. Therefore, they intend to keep you on the same website, opening one page after another.
  • External Links: Unlike internal links, external links redirect traffic to a different website. In addition, like internal links, these links redirect to other pages with related content.

However, you might wonder, “Why do we even focus on external linking?

In simple words – it’s because Google wants you to.

However, the reason is why Google wants you to do so. Think of it like a game of politics. If a party makes a good campaign, they will gain more votes. More votes = more chances of winning the election!

1. Helps You Gain More Votes

Suppose your web page gets an external link from another website. The other website probably did so because they found your content helpful and informative.

Therefore, if you get backlinks from other websites, your content is of high quality and has gained a vote of confidence from another website.

Google takes these backlinks as a qualitative measurement of your content. Therefore, they secretly grade your website accordingly. This grade is the Domain Authority (DA) or Domain Rating (DR). The higher these scores are, the more qualitatively better the website is.

Alternatively, think of it like politics. The party with the best “content” in the form of good politicians, good deeds, and the prettiest conferences will get the most votes – and win the elections.

2. Helps You Win Elections – Every Time

High DA/DR makes it easier for your webpage to rank higher on Google. High DA/DR is a sign that you create good content. Therefore, whenever you post content, there’s a high chance of ranking higher on Google SERPs.

Therefore, if you have many backlinks from other websites, it becomes easier for your content to rank in the top ten. Consecutively, it lets you get more traffic.

Moreover, if your website is monetized, it will automatically help you generate more revenue from Google AdSense as well!

Therefore, it’s like politics all over again. If your party makes a good political campaign, it will win the election – irrespective of how corrupt the party may be!

3. Helps You Gain New Followers!

Helps You Gain New Followers

Did you know there is a backlinking business where link trading occurs? Here, other websites pay you to create content with backlinks to their websites.

Moreover, paid guest posting also occurs when they create content with backlinks to their website that you must publish on your website.

Therefore, if your link-building game is strong, it will open various revenue avenues for you. Expect to get lots of paid link-building offers from other websites!

Again, it’s like politics. If you make a good political statement and a presentable campaign, you will draw in new followers and sponsors! Moreover, it might help cover up your past mistakes – like corrupt activities (for politicians) and poor content (for you and me)!

After being in the SEO and content industry for quite a few years, I realized that almost all websites use link building. However, are all of them ranking high and gaining backlinks organically?

The answer is no, they are not.

Therefore, I deduced that the problem lies with the content that is being published. Apart from the top websites on every niche, I believe most Tier 2 and below websites publish sub-par content. This is why they must pay for backlinks; it doesn’t take place organically for free.

However, one day, I was looking at a random post on a website that states how many world records the Burj Khalifa building has. The magnificent Burj Khalifa has 14 world records! This is the reason why everyone dreams of owning a residence in the Burj Khalifa, which is super expensive.

But why does everyone want a flat in the Burj? That’s because it holds world records, like being the tallest existing structure in the world.

Therefore, comparing this with content creation and earning backlinks, you will find it relatable. The highest-ranking posts always get the most backlinks organically.

However, with so many websites cropping up daily, link-building is getting more difficult. There are now too many students vying to be the class-topper.

Therefore, apart from getting good grades in your studies, the class topper must also set some records straight!

This is how I created a “Burj Khalifa article” that aims high and scores high. Therefore, regardless of the article’s topic, it must be the best on Google.

How To Create A “Burj Khalifa” Article?

How To Create A “Burj Khalifa” Article

Finally, we come to the main meat of this article – what is Burj Khalifa content? Moreover, how and why will it help me gain more backlinks?

After doing a lot of research and taking my experience as an SEO content writer into account, I started to analyze the highest-ranking content on the internet with the greatest number of backlinks.

Here is what I found out:

  • The author’s grammar, punctuation, and general command of the English language are impeccable.
  • All articles are written concisely, which makes them easy to understand.
  • The author always uses “I” and “we” to describe things from their perspective and experience.
  • Articles have a lot of internal links and quite a few external links.
  • The post uses high-quality images (like infographics) and videos to make the topic more presentable and visually interesting.
  • Humans, not AI, write them.
  • They have zero plagiarism.
  • Every website has its writing style and tone, followed across all posts.

…. and more.

Therefore, I identified several content and visual parameters in the top-ranking posts. I believe following these parameters as a checklist will help me make the ultimate “Burj Khalifa content” – the one that steals my competitors’ backlinks by usurping their rank one spot in Google SERPs.

After this, I set out to make content as tall and mighty as the Burj Khalifa. This a post that Google is bound to rank at the top (if not, then Sundar Pichai shall face my wrath for his poor judgment). A post so good – that even competing websites will willingly give up their backlinks to me.

After considering the top-ranking content analysis, here are all the parameters I followed:

How To Write As Tall As The Burj Khalifa?

If you are new to SEO-optimized content writing, consider yourself lucky to have learned the Burj Khalifa link-building technique for writing super high-quality articles.

The most essential factors to ensure that your post ranks as high as the Burj Khalifa and gets all the backlinks are:

1. Unexplored Keywords

Unexplored Keywords

As an SEO content writer, doing keyword research is your first step. Here, you use various SEO tools like Ahrefs and Semrush to identify keywords and topics. Once you find them, you start writing on them immediately.

However, the trick to ranking high here lies in the keyword difficulty (KD). The KD determines how easy it is for you to rank higher by publishing a post on a topic related to the keyword.

However, if niche-relevant authority sites have published content related to the topic and keyword, it will have a high KD.

Therefore, try to find keywords with a low KD – but relatively higher global search volume. This will make it significantly easier to curate unique content and rank higher.

2. Skyscraper-Worthy Topics

Skyscraper-Worthy Topics

What do you do after you do your keyword research? You start writing content, right?

Wrong. First, check the top-ranking articles by searching for the keyword on Google.

Next, make your topic bigger, meaner, and bolder than the top-ranking ones. Therefore, try to outdo them in every aspect. If the top-ranking article is 1,000 words – make yours 2,000.

In addition, try to make your article unique from the top-ranking ones. Therefore, try to present a viewpoint different from the top-ranking ones. This way, you can make the most unique and more informative – which Google will happily rank at the top.

3. Short And Crispy Sentences

Short And Crispy Sentences

One of the most technical aspects of SEO-content writing is sentence length. If you think size matters the most – in writing, it doesn’t. Here, how you use those words matters the most.

Google believes that too many long sentences (20+ words) indicate “poor content optimization.’ Therefore, writing long sentences will hurt your chances of ranking higher.

However, Google has an acceptable range for which long sentences are allowed. Google will accept content with less than 25% long sentences. After all, long sentences are sometimes the best way to describe the topic you are writing perfectly.

Therefore, since I publish my posts using WordPress, I use a WordPress plugin called Yoast SEO. It’s a great plugin that lets me know how many sentences are long. In addition, it also highlights them so that you can edit them quickly!

4. Always Be Active; Never Passive

Another important use of the Yoast SEO plugin is to check how active or passive you are.

No, I’m not talking about active or passive aggression that teens use as a tactic to showcase their anger or hatred. I’m talking about using active and passive voice in your article.

However, I won’t explain what active and passive voice is. I believe you are old enough to know that if you are fluent in English.

I started focusing more on writing sentences in active voice than passive voice. The result? My writing now sounds more confident and convincing than before! Moreover, to heighten my use of active voice, I also used Grammarly, which works well with Google Docs.

5. A Good Amount Of Style

Writing style is one of the most important factors that makes my post stand out. This is a skill that I did not learn from someone – it’s something that I built myself.

As a reader, I would want to read content written in an interesting and engaging way. Here, I learned that explaining the topic in a conversational tone works the best. Conversational writing ensures a connection between the reader and the writer can be built by using words like “I” and “you.”

However, my writing style depends on what I am writing and for which website. For example, there are some websites for which I write in a more reserved and formal way because they are B2B websites.

Alternatively, there are other websites for which I write informally because the target audience is the youth. They will likely get my pop-culture references and dark, deadpan humor!

6. A Healthy Dose Of Substance

A Healthy Dose Of Substance

Simply writing stylishly won’t engage readers. Therefore, I must ensure that the main purpose of writing content – to provide relevant information to the readers, is met.

When typing on Google Docs – like now creating this post – I always imagine what I want to read from the reader’s perspective. This lets me write exactly what the reader wants to read – and filter out what they don’t.

Moreover, when I’m explaining a topic, I want my post to explain it best. Therefore, I often use statistical data, charts and diagrams, quotes, and more to make my posts as informative as possible.

7. Use The Best Transition Effects!

I hate using too many transition words – which Google crawlers and the algorithm want.

Google crawlers have an unhealthy fascination with transition words. Therefore, when I use Yoast to optimize my posts, I get the same red flag every time – “use more transition words.”

Suppose you have been reading my post so far. In that case, you will notice that I use many transition words like therefore, whenever, however, additionally, conversely, alternatively, etc., at the start of my sentences. I do so because Yoast recommends using transition words in 25% of all sentences.

Moreover, my sentences often sound weird. It usually feels like I am stuffing too many of these transition words. However, if the Burj Khalifa link budling post ranks at the top and I get all backlinks – transition words are my new best friend (quite reluctantly).

8. Tickle The Funny Bone

People say that laughter is the best medicine. And I completely agree. Laughing makes me feel good. It makes me feel less stressed with work, despite giving me a tummy ache if I laugh too much.

Therefore, I want my readers to laugh. Laughing will make them feel better and can lead to them leading longer lives. Moreover, if they lead longer lives, they can read more of my content and give me the traffic I need. It’s just a plain and simple long-term business plan, my friend!

Therefore, if I follow the Burj Khalifa link building technique, I use a lot of humor.

This is why I use a lot of sarcasm (with inspiration from Chandler Bing), deadpan jokes (courtesy of Moist Cr1TiCaL), and subtle innuendos.

9. No Cheating!

No Cheating

I hate two types of cheating regarding writing – plagiarism and the use of AI tools. These two are a definite no when creating a Burj Khalifa link building content.

Plagiarism is a deadly cheating that Google detects a bit too easily. In simple terms – you cannot copy lines and paragraphs directly from other posts.

Just like in school, your teacher will penalize you – in this case, Google. Plagiarized posts get flagged as spam and will never rank.

However, generative AI tools are a new form of cheating on the block. With the advent of AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Copilot – creating new posts has become dangerously easier and quicker.

All you need to do is explain the topic in the prompt, and voila! You finished an entire article in under a minute!

And there lies my problem. I greatly disrespect and disregard writers who use AI to generate posts. AI writers don’t even put effort into content creation. I don’t even consider AI writers to be real writers. This is why I’m happy that AI content detectors are available online.

10. Don’t Forget Your Meta Tags!

Don’t Forget Your Meta Tags

A Burj Khalifa link building article must be SEO-optimized. Just like how the actual building is optimized for luxury and convenience, your post must also follow some regulations.

When I finish writing, I always double-check its meta tags. The most essential meta tags that I don’t miss out on are:

  • Meta Description Tag: This tag defines what the web page is about. Therefore, I will determine the content and why you would want to read it in under 140 characters. In addition, remember to place your focus keyword once here!
  • Meta Robot Tags: These refer to tags that Google crawlers will see. Therefore, dofollow, nofollow, index, and noindex tags are the ones I state when publishing my content using WordPress.
  • Meta Title Tags: Title tags define the title of the post. Therefore, I ensure that it’s always between 60 and 70 characters (the shorter, the better) and has the focus keyword near the beginning of the title.
  • Meta Viewport Tags: Viewport tags define the look and appearance of your web page on various devices. Therefore, I ensure my web page’s dimensions (length, width, etc.) are different for mobiles and computers. In addition, I also set how it should look in landscape and portrait modes as well.

Since I am writing this website you are on, I must ensure you read my other posts, too. Therefore, I use both internal and external links.

For example, I want you to read my post “How to become a copywriter” after you read this post. Therefore, simply click on this link to start reading it!

In addition, I paste some eternal links to gain new backlinking opportunities. Therefore, I want you to read Semrush’s post on “How to get backlinks?

How To Have Neo-Futuristic Designs Like The Burj Khalifa?

How To Have Neo-Futuristic Designs Like The Burj Khalifa

The Burj Khalifa is magnificent not only for its height. It’s also a wonder to behold because of its neo-futuristic design by Adrian Smith.

Therefore, a Burj Khalifa link building post must also have a futuristic website design and imagery. Therefore, here are some aspects I believe a Burj Khalifa content must have:

1. Play Around With The Right Fit

An artist will always say, “There’s no right fit. If it looks good, it fits.” I, as a blog writer and publisher, agree with this statement.

Modern blogging is all about creativity, both in writing and design. Many modern websites have interactive elements that improve the UX (User Experience).

Therefore, I try not to restrict myself to preset design standards. Just like how the Burj Khalifa has various rooms and balconies of different sizes and ideas, I want my post to be like that.

Sometimes, I use memes and GIFs instead of those standard boring images. Not only does it make the post visually appealing, but it also holds your attention as well!

2. Make The Colors Pop

While using images, the most visually appealing and colorful ones work the best. I want my readers to stay and look at the photos by clicking on the image once and then clicking “Open image in a new tab.” Therefore, I need to use the best images possible.

Moreover, I always click on images I need by myself. Unlike many other websites, I tend not to use images by ripping them from other websites.

Furthermore, I also use tools like Adobe Illustrator to draw my images if needed! Like the Burj Khalifa, I want people to look at my content and be awe-struck by how amazing it is!

However, I also try to follow the theme color of the website I’m writing for. This creates a sense of thematic continuity between the images and the site design.

In addition, doing so also helps in the branding process of the website. This is also why I prepare a writing style guide for every website I work on!

3. Infographics For Nerds

One of the most overlooked aspects of properly designing a blog as good as the Burj Khalifa is using infographics.

I don’t know how often I must stress this, but using infographics is one of the best ways to satiate the optimization thirst of Google’s crawl bots. This is true because most web pages that rank at the top use lots of infographics.

For example, check out any blog by Semrush or Ahrefs. You will notice that most of their headings (H2s) have an infographic below them.

Moreover, almost all Investopedia blogs follow the same concept – headings with a supporting infographic.

I use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to create my infographics. Moreover, one of the primary reasons I use infographics is the short attention span your readers have. Sorry for calling you all out, but it is what it is.

We now live in the era of short-form content. Nobody has time to read a huge blog or watch a 10-minute-long video on YouTube. Instead, people now prefer to watch short 1-minute reels and videos.

This is why platforms like TikTok have risen in popularity despite its creators producing some of the cringiest click-bait content the human brain can imagine.

Therefore, readers tend to scroll through my blogs without reading them. The only things they pay attention to are the headings and the images.

Therefore, I use captivating headings and even more captivating infographics to make my article as attention-worthy as the Burj Khalifa.

Since infographics have a lot of information, you can look at them once and get a lot of relevant information. Therefore, be happy now.

4. Screenshot What They Say

Often, I write review posts about specific products and apps. Here, screenshots of these apps are necessary to demonstrate certain features and give readers first-hand information.

In addition, Google crawlers also see these screenshots as “original” and “authoritative” – which makes them rank higher.

Moreover, I use screenshots of user reviews while creating review articles as epic as the Burj Khalifa. I do so since I write reviews considering what other users have faced.

Therefore, if people faced bugs using a certain feature of an app but I didn’t, I mention that in my report. I prefer doing so since my review is my experience – it can vastly differ from the experiences of others.

Moreover, using screenshots of user reviews and testimonials also serves as a form of UGC (Use Generated Content). Many websites love such content and are more likely to give me backlinks!

All websites always want to link to the best content out there. Therefore, simply creating good content for link building isn’t enough.

You must create the best content to survive the cut-throat competition between websites and achieve the top rank of Google SERPs.

I created this Burj Khalifa link building guide to show how I create extraordinary content – like the Burj Khalifa – to stand out as the tallest in the crowd.

Thanks for reading this post, and I hope you found it interesting! Share this as much as possible and spread the word about the newest and best link-building technique on the internet – the Burj Khalifa link building technique!

Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of SEM and an SEO Analyst at iDream Agency. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of SMM.

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