Boosting organic traffic on your social media posts and your website blogs is a tricky task. Sometimes, even if you do everything – from creating high quality SEO-optimized content, publishing it, and then sharing it through social media – there’s still a high chance that it will not work unless you know what content syndication is. 

Content syndication is the process of sharing your content in various ways using multiple platforms and content formats. While this SEO strategy might not be prominent amongst B2C content creators, B2B businesses rely on it a lot. 

Therefore, how do you use content syndication in 2024 to increase your website or social media post’s reach and traffic? Moreover, how will B2B and B2C businesses benefit from content syndication? Read this post till the end to find out! 

What Is Content Syndication?

What Is Content Syndication?

Content Syndication is one of the most underrated digital marketing strategies that most websites and businesses fail to grasp. 

In simpler terms, content syndication is the lovechild of content marketing and sales prospecting. Here, marketing teams use verified Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) for syndicating their content across multiple viable channels. 

The primary purpose of content syndication is to share your content across multiple platforms to increase its reach and traffic. Therefore, when you syndicate your content, you use the same content to gain more viewers and traffic from different platforms. 

For example, let’s say you write a review of your favorite movie on your blog. However, another popular movie review website liked your content so much that they decided to republish your content on their website, citing your blog and backlinking to it! 

Note: Content syndication strictly deals with republishing the entire content. Therefore, if you post different social media posts about your blog, it’s not considered as such. However, posting the same social media content (images, video, and text) in the same format will be considered as syndication. 

Why Use Content Syndication In 2024 For Better SEO?

Content syndication has many benefits that you enjoy in 2024. Therefore, some of the biggest benefits of content syndication are: 

1. Generate More Traffic

Content syndication generate more traffic

One of the primary reasons why marketers and bloggers use content syndication is because it generates a lot of traffic. 

However, remember that using content syndication doesn’t generate organic traffic. Instead, it generates inorganic traffic since readers will be redirected to your original content from wherever it’s syndicated. 

Generating more traffic is one of the primary goals of commercial websites since more traffic means more Google Ads. Additionally, more Google Ads on your website means more Google AdSense revenue! 

Therefore, content syndication not only helps you gain traffic, but it also helps you generate more ad revenue too! 

Content syndication build more Backlinks

One of the prime reasons why people follow link building techniques like the skyscraper technique and the Burj Khalifa link building technique is to generate more backlinks. 

Generating more backlinks is essential for all websites to gain better Google SERP rankings. This is because Google crawlers and Google algorithm for ranking websites rely heavily on the backlink profile of the website. Therefore, the more backlinks your web page has, the higher it will rank for keywords on Google SERPs! 

When you syndicate your content on another website, you automatically gain a backlink from them! 

Moreover, having more backlinks and a solid website backlink profile will make it easier for you to find syndication partners! Therefore, content syndication by itself is a gateway for more content syndication opportunities in the future! 

3. Improve Your Brand Recognition

Content syndication Improves  your Brand recognition

Your website is your brand. Therefore, if you have advertisements about your brand or website on other websites, more people will get to know about the existence of your website. 

Similarly, content syndication helps improve your brand recognition. Since you are republishing your content on other websites, you not only make a name for yourself as a content creator, but you also make your website more popular as well! 

4. It’s Not The Same As Duplicate Content!

Content syndication is not the same as duplicate content!

If you are an SEO consultant, you already know the disadvantages of publishing duplicate content and plagiarism. 

Since content syndication has you republishing content on other websites, it’s basically a form of content duplication and plagiarism. Moreover, both these negative factors can reduce your website metrics. 

However, did you know that if you publish syndicated content, you can use canonical tags and internal links to pass it off as original content in the eyes of Google crawlers? 

Therefore, using content syndication will have no negative affects regarding plagiarism and duplicate content! 

How To Do Content Syndication In 2024?

Now that you know what content syndication is and why it’s necessary in 2024, I bet you are now interested to learn how to do content syndication, right? 

If you wish to, you are on the right page. In addition, don’t stress out too much – content syndication isn’t that difficult. If you create content that you can syndicate easily and find the right content syndication partners – you are golden. 

Therefore, there are three steps in content syndication, which are: 

1. Identify, Create, And Publish Content

Identify, Create, And Publish Content

How do you think you will do content syndication if you do not have any content to syndicate?

Therefore, your first step regarding content syndication is to create valuable content. Depending on your niche and subject expertise, you can use Semrush alternatives and similar tools to search for the right keywords. 

After you find the right keyword, you must create high-quality original content. Not only the body, but the title and headings must be catchy as well. Therefore, try to make it as unique as you can. Additionally, use original images to make your content more visually arresting! 

Remember – it must answer questions that the audience wants to know. If the keyword you wish to target has low search volume, it might not be worth it. 

Finally, after you create the content, you must publish it on your website. However, wait for some time for indexing and to let it appear in Google SERPs. 

2. Find Suitable Syndicates 

Find Suitable Syndicates 

Once the content you created gains traffic and starts ranking, it’s time to move to step number 2 – find suitable content syndication partners.

While doing content syndication, me (and various experts) have specific factors to consider whole choosing syndication partners. My primary considerations for choosing syndication partners are: 

I. Identify Their Website Niche And Persona

The first factors that you must check for websites where you wish to republish your content are their website niche and persona. 

The website niche refers to what topical expertise they have. Most content creators typically strive to gain authority on specific niches or topics. For example, my niche or topical expertise is on technology, gaming, and SEO. 

Therefore, try to look for websites that have the same topical expertise as yours. For example, if I decide to republish SEO-related articles, then I will choose high-authority SEO websites like Search Engine Journal or Search Engine Land

II. Check Their Website Metrics

After you find a website relevant to your niche, it’s now time to check their site metrics using SEO tools. The key metrics you must check are: 

  • Organic traffic 
  • Domain Authority/Rating (DA/DR) 
  • Bounce rate 
  • Number of backlinks 

If you see that the website has higher values of these metrics, be certain that the website can become a good syndicate content partner of yours! However, remember that Bounce Rate is the only metric that is better the lower it is. 

Finally, you measure your content syndicate partner’s spam score and backlink profile. 

While you previously checked their number of backlinks in the previous step, here you must check who they are from. If they are from prominent websites with high DA/DR, consider them to be good syndicate content partners! 

Moreover, check their spam score as well. A lot of websites accept content syndication requests without checking the content they are republishing. Therefore, this increases their spam score, which unoptimizes the website’s SEO. 

However, you can also reach out to paid content syndication websites like: 

3. Pitch Your Content For Syndication

Pitch Your Content For Syndication

Finally, once you are done choosing the website for syndication, it’s time to send in your syndication pitch. Therefore, send the webmaster an email, stating why republishing their content will be valuable for their website. 

Conclusion: Creating Your Online Syndicate!

Now that you know what content syndication is, why it’s important, and how you do it, it’s time for you to apply this knowledge and republish your content on other amazing websites! 

Thanks for reading this post! If you need any help, please comment below! 

Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of SEM and an SEO Analyst at iDream Agency. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of SMM.

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